Devalexx_ Carrd

Hello! Welcome to my carrd, If you need anything please let me know in DMS!


I love how supportive you are, you are so nice and i love you for that. Everytime we talk you are just so much fun to talk to. I will forever love you, you are such a good friend.


You are such a good friend, I'm so happy i met you along with your sister, I love you guys like family. You're my everythings!

You are such a nice and supportive friend! I'm so happy I met you, you are such an active great friend!

I'm so happy you introduced me to all you're friends, I don't know where I would be now if it wasn't for you. All of you are such angels and i love you all.

You are such a good and nice friend! We have been friends longer than anyone I know! I'm so glad I got to spend all this time with you. You are such a supportive person overall. + You're literally my first friend lol.

You are the most perfect you there is, your outlook on life is amazing. You're such a good and supportive friend, You def have the best smile.

Hi! I may not know you well but I'm sure you are a great friend, I've heard so many good things about you! You just light up a room, no matter what anyone tells you I'm sure you are beautiful on the inside and the outside!

You are such a sweet, fragile person. I'm so happy I met you in the waterproof cats gc. You're such a good person and a ray of sunshine.


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Contact me!

If you want to contact me i'll leave my socials below!

[email protected]